Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Jackbox Naughty Pack Review: Woah, What Are You Into?

By Jonathan Bilski

Naughty, naughty, naughty Jackbox! That's not the title, but how many games are in the newest dirty-minded and adult The Jackbox Naughty Pack. So naughty times three equals XXX. They new what they were doing when making this one. It's also funny to write this as an adult game as Jackbox Party games can get very adult, very quickly with the crew you've chosen to play with. Unlike, the other packs, where it can be safe to play with kids and families, this one goes all in from the start on "Woah, NSFW" attitude in one new title and two newish games. I'll go over each and the very horny aesthetic with some nice bathroom humor for late night laughs.

Let's get over with it here, this is the Jackbox Party Pack for the year and it's not the normal outing we were expecting. It's set to be played by adults only, no families and it's minus two games the pack usually comes with. 
Luckily, my friends and I enjoyed it. And, time wise, it seems perfect for a more rated-R game night with only three titles to choose from.

The game's look conveys the horny of yesteryear. Not going for a straight-up porn site look, the menu has you at an adult video store, which I assume are all dead at this point with the invention of the Internet. Still, it's that little extra work of fun look, great writing and easy to access play that makes Jackbox, Jackbox.

The first game my friends and I got into was the full new one, the wonderfully titled, Let Me Finish. A debate drawing game where you get to draw and explain why you put nads on a piece of broccoli on its green mound and not it's stalk. Game-play went ultra well as one of my friends is very Christian and another had a small baby on them. Much to my relief, we were not playing in person. So seeing and hearing friends trying to debate random objects and why you should have relations with them was somewhat guarded over Discord.

The game was the least favorite by the group, but it might be because it's hard to debate which electronic device has the stinkiest wiener with small tykes around them. 

Yes, I told everyone it was an adult version of Jackbox.

So the game-play has you debating your fellow players after being asked a rather dirty question over a random object. All of which are pretty f'd up and funny. You each get to draw over said object before you present your case, because doodles on boobies on a toothbrush will never not be funny.

After two players show and give their case. Everyone else votes on why that part of a broken-down Honda Accord is its taint.

You can even add a small bonus point boost to your score if you want to chime in with another thing to say on the debated object.

It worked for me and it'll work for you that it's a dirty game that might get some getting use to, but it we'll have you and your friends laughing at how dumb a carrot can be, but look so hot.

Next, my party and me got into Fakin’ It All Night Long, which is based on an IRL game from an early pack. Just plain Fakin' It was a fun detective like game where you had to find The Faker who wasn't doing what the group was being told. I was wondering how it hold up over Discord. It totally worked! Two modes are available. One for at home/sleazy motel and online.
The setting of this game has you and your friends choosing avatars in an iconic wet and dirty motel Jacuzzi. Once again, aesthetic counts and this game looks good when showing off scores in-between rounds. It has your character going in a martini glass and stretching out said glass the higher your score. Also, seeing some butts of the avatars when we guessed wrong was always fun. Dat butt!
How do you play? Everyone is given a question or prompt except for the Faker of the round. So, the people who aren't The Faker would  usually have a more reasonable answer to the question or prompt. 
There's a great prompt asking which emoticon is a straight up freak. Did not expect to have my full icon library open up or Jackbox just has a big one online.
So, you and the others in the group have to decide who The Faker is in three questions/prompts or The Faker wins. It's random on who The Faker becomes, it can even be you!

The game being more adult may ask more adult questions then you would have got with the original. 
A clever, sexy new sequel to the original that I could easily see people getting into to see whose good at faking it and just to find out what else the game will ask you.

The final game in the pack and what we played last was of course the favorite of the night. Dirty Drawful. Yes, Drawful is back and more filthy than ever before! The classic Jackbox game has a new coat of paint...dat owl in the high heels, woah!

Game play has not really changed, but the prompts sure have as the game tasks you with inappropriate prompts to draw. Well, it be wrong to be asked to draw such scandalous smut outside of this pack, but here, here you have to. Everything dirty, foul and wrong is welcome.

The Wheel of Inappropriate Proportions was written out to what was I remember being a doodle of butt-hole eating someone alive. That's just a inside Jackbox joke that I thought was the real answer. But a friend saw it that butt-hole as that.

Ya see, the game has you draw weird, dirty doodles, then others in the group try and trick others in the group by writing out what they might be. Then, all those different answers are left out in the open and you've got to decide if that's a hefty set of breasts or snowman boobs melting depending on the image and artistic talent of the group.

We had the most fun with this one. So many horrible, but funny images, many not involving penis...there was a robot with one.

I forget how Drawful is smart enough to fool you with real answers to images prompts that are misspelled or contain someone in the group's name. The game can get quite down fiendish in tricking you and so can your friends. 

My friends wanted to played for more rounds of it before we switched to older packs.

The Jackbox Naughty Pack did it for me. It got my friends and me off...from another boring Thursday night. The pack may have only three games, but their all winners and crafted by the fine folks who've been making these type of games for years. This is their 11th pack, but the studios' been around a lot longer. So, the 18+ title makes sense.

In this case, they only had to refine two games, but they sure as Heck refined them to fit this black bar rated game. I definitely had my doubts about this new one before it came out, but after playing it, it's a welcome edition never to be played with children or my parents. Grab it for you adult Halloween party coming up.

The Jackbox Naughty Pack is be available on all major platforms starting today, September 12th, 2024

Game provided by publisher for review purposes.