Thursday, September 5, 2024

Squirrel with a Gun Review: It's A Little Nuts

Oh, did we want to love this one. Since seeing the premise, much like rest of the Internet we were the meme of "Take My Money." Sadly, the acorn didn't grow into the tree. Squirrel with a Gun has all the makings of a funny game to laugh at, but not the polish for it to be a need-to-play. We streamers and friends playing it together and those who want to punish themselves a little.

The ridiculous premise and visuals seems perfect for the age. Cute animal holding a photo realistic gun and using it to blow people away. On paper and in trailer it is a great idea...

When it comes to gameplay it's very hard to control a squirrel firing a gun. Yes, we really did just write
that and dang that's where the game's charm is. Back to playing it though. We found the pin-point accuracy needed to hit enemies, the height difference (always aiming up) and the "realistic" blow-back taxing. We want to have the speed and swiftness of a squirrel, not the boredom of setting up shots. We can't stand that.
Jumps with guns do feel fun, rocketing yourself up by a gun oddly feels right. Other than that, there's not much to compliment in gameplay. It's repetitive shooter and platformer unless a new concept is introduced. Someone willing to hone their skills might get more out of it, but for us, nope.

We can still see a lot of heart was put into this game with cute extras and planned free content updates. And, they made so many outfits for the squirrel. This is never gonna be a triple AAA title. It's a stupid game to blow through. It's always gonna be a game you got out of loving the idea more than the game itself.

For $20 bucks, the game is what it is, a squirrel with a gun shooting people. Could it be a lot more refined or whatever? No, because no one would have invested that much more in the concept. The people who made it, were the only people who were ever gonna make it. So, nuts to anyone demanding any more.
Squirrel with a Gun is out now on Steam and Epic and it'll be on PlayStation an Xbox consoles Oct 15th
 Game provided by publisher on Steam for review purposes.