Thursday, August 15, 2024

Thank Goodness You're Here! Quick Review Why Dis Is As British As The Monarchy


Thank Goodness You're Here! is a lovely little romp through the town of Barnsworth filled with the lovely little weirdos of the town. You are a tiny business man, literally, your quite small compared to the town folk. While waiting for an appointment with the mayor you're helping everyone with their problems while trans-versing this little 'burg. And, thus, do you walk and slap your way to helping everyone and at the same time go, "Wait, what the f*ck?"

Ridiculous from the start and British as a Beatle, the game has you wandering around the cartoonish town in awe of every dumb joke and every weird thing that comes out the mouths of the people in town, 'cept for you. You never talk.

The talking is wonderfully done by many well heard British comedians including Matt Berry. Every other line is a sex joke or messed up and it makes you want to hear what everyone will say next.
Gameplay is nothing more than wandering, jumping, hitting and trying to figure out what you need to do to finish the task you were asked. It sounds simple, have no idea where and how surreal the story will get. And, I don't want to ruin it for you.

Put simply, we had a great time with the game and already showed it off to our friends, who were totally
engrossed in it. If they played more they probably be grossed too. It is rated Mature. So as cute as it looks, don't let your kids play.

Short as your character in the game, it never unstays it's welcome. Done in a few hours, even when fully exploring. Hopefully, a sequel or series might be developed, but, for right now, I'm just going to enjoy one of Big Ron's Pies for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Available on pretty much all major systems now.