Friday, August 30, 2024

National Cinema Day? When Again?


With Labor Day Weekend here and the feeling of something missing in my Editor's "the force" while editing last week's Weekly What To Do. I was sad to read the stumbling of our collective theater chains on National Cinema Day. A Day when all big chains made movies, way, way cheaper to see. I loved telling you all about it and it seemed like a great motivator for everyone to go out the movies. Even see something bad for cheap.

No good reason is given why the same date they've had it for two years was skipped and that it might happen this Winter, but the outlooks grim. The IndieWire goes over some sad points and it looks like the much loved new holiday/deal might be dead.

You can tell the theaters how you feel about this two simple ways, they all have a comments section and they do read it. The second, just don't go to the movies and wait till it comes home for rent.

If they can't even give people a day for some deep discounts, then they can't really function year round with such service.