Friday, August 30, 2024

Jurassic World: Rebirth: I'm Sorry, You're Still Doing This?

In the above photos we have Jonathan Bailey and I didn't even realize it was Scarlett Johansson. That soldier whose about to get eaten, why that's Mahershala Ali...he'll be Blade one day...

Usually, you might want to hype up your dinosaur movie with photos of ...I don't know, dinosaurs.

This and the insane synopsis of I guess our heroes failed in the last movie and Earth's ecosystem is so bad you have to live near the equator or you'll die is all that's come out on news on the film. Too early to cut a trailer, too early for me to care.

Universal we'll just not let this series go extinct. We didn't need a seventh film or they could wait a couple more years than coming out July 2025.

Will it be the most compelling movie ever, nope. We'll it have some cool scenes, sure. It might even have dinosaurs, but I'm not sure.