Monday, July 1, 2024

Suicide Squad ISEKAI Dumb, Dumb Fun



This ending theme, I mean chef's kiss. It totally captures the sense of humor and how dumb the anime is. Suicide Squad Isekai, out now, doesn't even feature Waller, the Suicide Squad's boss, in the series for that long. Most of her actual screen time might be this outro. 

After watching three episodes all say... WB’s or some part of that huge corporation probably thought they would get a huge boost from the Suicide Squad game that sucks. They didn't know it would be doing so bad. The series was commissioned probably two years ago and was just waiting for a release after completion. So, the demand was based on wants from a ways back.

It’s fun trash, you can tell the Japanese team had fun making it. Many jokes make no sense, I don’t think their version of American humor goes over well. Overall writing, the small talk characters say to each other and the bad translated sub make it an anime from a decade ago.

Still, gotta love Clayface reinterpreted as Michael Jackson.