Friday, June 14, 2024

Comic Hype: Morbius Cares Not For Morbin Time & The Moon Is Following Us


Amazing Spider-Man - Blood Hunt #2 has Morbius working with vampires on a vampire cure, but he doesn't care for his new boss. His boss T.J. of Hemoglobin INC (vampires have taken over the world and it's perpetual night in the comics right now) actually utters the line, "Yes, it's MORBIN' TIME!" Morbius' reaction seems to show he would not enjoy his Sony movie. Dismemberment might be too nice.

And even then...T.J. does not learn, in the same comic he thinks he's earned calling Morbius, Morbs. Morbius points out that in the real time in the comic it's been hours since T.J. used Morbin time. Hope T.J. dies fast and funny in issue #3.


I'm not sure, but might be the first use of Morbin time in an actual Marvel comic.