Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Anime Riverside 2024: Jojo Pose off Competition & Super Saiyan Scream-off Competition

By Jonathan Bilski
You might want to listen to this while reading. To have the full experience.
As the JoJo theme song played out posers of all sorts got up in front to show off their back-breaking flair. An hour later, I might have gone deaf as the screams of children screeched like fingernails on a blackboard as they didn't quite understand what powering up was. I'm writing about the two greatest panels at Anime Riverside 2024, one where I should have brought ear plugs. 

Jojo Pose Off Competition started the evening's events as cosplayers and casual attendees didn't quite strut their stuff, but more like showed off a pose you might see on a magazine cover. Or to be exact from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure (known for over-the-top poses).

The event was wonderfully hosted by
Matthew Johnson (@nerdy_bit) who couldn't pose himself, but seemed overjoyed at the lunacy of the posing. The three female judges were all cosplayers themselves and included RobinNerdyCosplay (@robinnerdycosplay), Lady Toxie (@ladytoxie) & Hannah Elaine (@hannahelaine_xoxo). They tried their best to judge those who contorted themselves for our pleasure.
I was front row to see these posers go all out and look like they gave themselves hernias or at the very least think about doing more yoga. The cosplayers, some not even associated with JoJo, got more of the audience's claps. From a big selection, the number of contestants and iconic magazine cover poses unfolded.

The WOOOORLD!!!!!!!!

Towards the end you could tell that the cosplayer dressed as Dio had the competition in his hands. The audience was shouting out "Dio, Dio!," when he was up front posing. His last pose before an incident was "The World", Dio's trademark stand power.
Even the judges got into posing
A minor costume malfunction happened to the winner after he had already won.
No worries as no 18+ material made it out.

Whaattttt? Oh, it's still hard to hear. The Super Saiyan Scream-off Competition was a whole other experience.

Not sure if, but, I'll probably upload a video of all the screams/powering up at a later time.

This one was judged simply by a man named Santa-ku. This was, I would say, a little less organized than the first. My fellow correspondent left out of not wanting to get a migraine and I understand. 
Many of the people who signed up surprisingly didn't understand or possibly didn't watch Dragon Ball Z. There were quite a few kids as their was no age limit and if done again (hope they do) I say split into a kid's competition and teenagers/adults.

The kids just screamed, they didn't get what powering up meant. Some of the participants did the same thing. Best for everyone to see some clips or someone show them first how it's done, if done next year. You've go to do that organizers.
When not hearing death knells and let me be frank, somehow little kids have stronger lungs and can go higher pitched, it was a real powering up event.

Some of the older participants still didn't quite get it, so they'd go into one huge burst scream and realize it was terrible added by a f**k.
When not wishing for ear muffs or something to lessen the pain the real "Power-uppers" nailed it and it was great to hear classic lines and attempts and DBZ charge-ups.
The competition ended with these two and the little girl almost won, just by her adorable costume.

More from the pose off