Monday, March 6, 2023

Oh, WonderCon 2023's Coming?


WonderCon is closing in. Taking place March 24 - 26 at the Anaheim Convention Center, many of LA's residents will drive out to the borders of where Disneyland is to once again enjoy the merch and cosplay of the con. As of writing this the schedule and exhibitor map isn't up, but we're just reminding you to snag passes and some news we've seen on it. We'll give you more info when it comes in.

*Don't forget, the convention center and parking is cashless, exhibitors will take your money, but you can't pay for parking or food there with it. We go over this every year, the convention center itself, sucks. Buy food, find parking elsewhere. Plan ahead.

Of a nice note,

Funko Fun House is back at WonderCon with exclusives. Usually, their booth goes all out, so line up early to get to go to it.

Here's the third wave of WonderCon guests this year