Saturday, July 16, 2022

L.A. AIDS Jabber Is Your Start For Bad Taste

From the kid-sister label of Wild Eye Releasing (The VelociPastor), comes Visual Vengeance. A label releasing some of the worst dreck in the best way possible. And the film that has caught our eye and hopefully won't be stabbed by a hypodermic needle is L.A. AIDS Jabber. Watch the trailer below.

How could we not want to see anything with LA in the title next to AIDS Jabber? There's not much to say unless you watch the trailer, which is selling us on the idiotic, sick idea of a man with AIDS going around LA and stabbing people with a needle of his own AIDS. Didn't think I was gonna ever write that. And, it looks like it was shot on home video. 

That's why it's coming from Visual Vengeance, finding those hidden nuggets of utterly contemptible entertainment.

This beautiful garbage will be coming to Blu-ray in a Collector's Edition August 9th.

Here's what you get:

- Commentary Track with Director Drew Godderis
 - Lethal Injection: The Making of L.A. AIDS JABBER
 - Bleeding The Pack: An Interview with Lead Actor Jason Majick
 - L.A. AIDS JABBER - 2021 Locations Visit
 - Interview with Blood Diner Director Jackie Kong
 - Actress Joy Yurada Interview
- Cast and crew Interviews
 - Liner notes by Tony Strauss of Weng's Chop Magazine
 - Limited Edition Slipcover - FIRST PRINTING ONLY
 - Reversible BR sleeve featuring original VHS art
 - Collectible Mini-poster
 - ‘Stick your own’ VHS sticker set
 - And More

You can get it from multiple places online. Amazon oddly at $29.95, but maybe that's a steal with shipping from the others. Diabolik has it for $21.99. Or you can get a super special collection with a...

L.A. AIDS Jabber Hypodermic Pen. But, you gotta get this special edition.



That brings us to two more films you want to check out from Visual Vengeance. Suburban Sasquatch and Bloody Muscle Body Builder in Hell alternately known as “The Japanese Evil Dead.” Sasquatch is coming out Aug 23 and Body Builder in Hell is out later this month. Check the trailers below and laugh your head off.

Let us explain though that these are ultimate so-bad-it's-good films. They are masterpieces of messing up. Production value, scripts, special effects...thinking, those are all flushed down the toilet. What you get is the perfect film made in poor taste. With Visual Vengeance and a slew of other labels you can enjoy them in a rather wonderful package in a better quality than they deserve.

Kind of want to catch The Japanese Evil Dead after seeing the original or Evil Dead 2.

Grab them for some bad movie viewing with your friends.