Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Good-Bye Game Haus (Said In A German Accent) & Nicole Kidman AMC Shirt


In some-as they put it,"bittersweet news" - Rob and Terry are stepping down as owners of Game Haus Cafe. Remember to have a funny German accent when you say the name's place out loud. A wonderful spot to play a plethora of board games with friends and grab a bite. We've covered this place since it started. It'll now be under the ownership of Snake & Lattes brand. Game Haus is staying around, but missing the people who created it and it will be called Snake & Lattes, which just isn't as fun to say with a German Accent.
You have until April 30th to enjoy the old name and May 1st is when it officially changes ownership.

Coverage from years back
And making fun of this cringy commercial for people to watch movies in theaters again is a funny shirt making fun of it that sort of looks like a country band album.