Thursday, June 24, 2021

Hype: WB Animation Still Making Stuff, I Think You Should Leave Season 2 & Mountain Dew New

Batman: The Long Halloween, Part One on Digital and Blu-ray, is out now. 
We're always perplexed on why Warner Bros animation keeps making these as they seem to be made for adults/ teenagers. They add some curse words, sex and over-the-top-violence and it adds nothing to the animated film. And then, they can't air it on Cartoon Network or parents find out fast it's not safe for kids on HBO Max.

Overall, you see why they're straight to video. This and the recent Justice Society: World War II, both just have to be more violent for some reason then the animated series counter parts. It's like some sort of note-
-give this some dumb adult themes that don't pay off and kill some people
How do you put it, they're both watchable, but don't come close to being as entertaining as WB's original Justice League or Batman. It's like they've learned nothing with decades of experience.  

Looking forward to I Think You Should Leave Season 2 out in July 6th. Following the link to catch up on Season 1.

Check out the new flavors of Mountain Dew. Baja Flash and Baja Punch. There suppose to taste like Baja Blast, but Baja Flash has the taste off pineapple and coconut. And Baja Punch is fruit punch.