Monday, June 21, 2021

AFI Docs Starts Tomorrow & Rated R Returns Aug 20-21

The online version of AFI Docs starts tomorrow online. June 22-27th. Here's the full schedule. Our top pick so far is, The Lost Leonardo.

Following the screening, watch a special conversation with director Andreas Koefoed moderated by AFI Festivals Director of Programming Sarah Harris.

How does a painting discovered in New Orleans go on to sell in New York City at Christie’s for $450 million — the most expensive painting ever sold? In this intriguing thriller, filmmaker Andreas Koefoed explores the twist and turns of how one notable painting, the Salvator Mundi, was rediscovered and claimed as a long-lost masterpiece by Leonardo da Vinci. As a story of fame and money unravels, we see how the mega-rich make power plays by means of the art world. And the question remains, is the Salvator Mundi authentic? Or do the interests of the most powerful even care as long as they can use it to leverage their hidden agendas? –Sarah Harris

Rated R, the horror themed pop-up bar comes back to LA in August for two nights, the 20-21. Snag tickets now as it's gonna sell out.

Still nothing of note for Cinema Week.