Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Weekly What To Do: Holiday Drive-Thrus? A Competent Online Artist Alley? Artsy-Fartsy Stuff?


Wed, Nov 18, 6:00 PM
At a remote lake house, a filmmaker named Allison (Aubrey Plaza) arrives to play house guest to a troubled couple (Christopher Abbott and Sarah Gadon), who have eschewed their life in the city after inheriting a family retreat. Battling writer’s block, Allison sparks a calculated game of desire and jealousy in pursuit of a new work that blurs the boundaries of autobiography and invention.

THE CROODS: A NEW AGE Drive-In Screening and Experience
Thursday November 19 through Tuesday November 24, 2020
Twice Daily, at 3 p.m. and at 6 p.m., PST
Universal CityWalk
Directional signage will be provided
1000 Universal City Plaza

Universal City, CA 91608


The drive-in screening of The Croods: A New Age will be shown on a giant LED screen, visible by day and night. Before the film begins, guests will be treated to an exclusive pre-show, featuring DreamWorks Animation content and a snack box, courtesy of Universal CityWalk. Guests will also have the flexibility to leave their cars and visit Universal CityWalk to purchase additional food and beverages.

Prior to the screening, guests will be invited to preview the world of The Croods, with an immersive experience that features recreations of the film’s most exciting locations and characters, including the elaborate Treehouse, the Monkey Lair, the Thunder Sisters and so much more. The experience offers guests multiple interactive opportunities for fantastic photo ops, all without leaving the security of their cars.

Visions in Light: Windows on The Wallis
Thursday, November 19 -Sunday, November 29, 8 p.m. to 11 p.m.
9390 N Santa Monica Blvd, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, United States
You can view the show from your car or the nearby sidewalks while adhering to social distancing guidelines. *There will be no admission onsite and viewable only from the street.
Projected on the windows of The Wallis, Visions in Light is a free drive-by art exhibit featuring over 40 established and emerging artists of diverse cultures portraying work meant to inspire joy, wonder and awareness.