Friday, September 25, 2020

Friday Posters: Stab & Other Fake Gig Posters & Tyler Stout Terminator Poster


I should have snagged this Stab poster, it's a Fake Gig Poster from Gallery 1988's latest show. It's from the Scream horror movie series that got so meta that a fake movies series inside the film became part of the story. That movie was Stab and d%*n did Steven Luros make a great piece, that also happens to glow-in-the-dark. Sold out in less than 30 minutes. Dang! Check out even more fake posters at the link above.


Bob Rissetto "Jessica Live! (Blue)" Print

Jen Taylor "Sanderson Sisters - First Show in 300 Years"

-Also glows-in-the-dark.

A lot of Hocus Pocus love in this show.


Matthew Lineham "Sanderson Sisters Tour Pennant"

Sara Richard "LIVE at Salem Town Hall: The Sanderson Sisters" Print

This Tyler StoutTerminator poster sold out during the week