Tuesday, August 11, 2020

What We Found On The Net Today: More Close Enough, She-Hulk Is Gross and The Games That Weren't



No idea how with probably most if not all of the crew working on other cartoons, but Close Enough got picked up for another season. A reminder watch the series in backwards order, it makes more sense that way.


We couldn't care less about Marvel's dumb Summer crossover event, but it does let us have some Immortal Hulk vibes. Turns out She-Hulk is dead and being worn as a skin suit for a parasitic plant. Takes place in Empyre #4.


 One of the weirdest controllers we've seen and of course it's for Seamen. 

Pikmin 3 out the day before Halloween? Okay?

The Games That Weren't

-A new book, you gotta import, that goes over a bunch of games you haven't heard about that never came out. Pre-order ships Aug 15th.

Spelunky 2,  Sept. 15 on PS4, coming later to Steam