Thursday, June 4, 2020

What We Found On The Net Today: Lusty Bananas, Pac-Man Sake, Side Effects and A Book on Books

We want there to be some sort of deal between the International Banana Museum and Fakku! the 18+ hentai brand. There's got to be some sort of a collab down the line.

We love the Ahegao or O face wrapping paper.

We're digging the posters for horror film Koko-Di-Koko-Da and Groundhog Day like comedy Palm Springs. PS is on Hulu July 10th, KDKD doesn't have a home yet.

Grab Side Effects a great new card game about making people ill and curing yourself.It might be a long wait if you don't order by June 15th 2020.

Side Effects

"Drug use, personal demons, wild episodes, and more. Side Effects is a "take that" card game where you race to treat all the diseases in your psyche with drugs and therapy.

You'll start with 4 Disorder cards dealt face up and then take turns trying to find (or steal) the right Drug cards to treat your Disorders. But beware! Drug cards will also leave you open to receiving new Disorders from other players!"

-Oppo's Evangelion phone is surprisingly faithful to the anime

 Pac-Man sake only in Japan.

A Book on Books: New Aesthetics in Book Design

Coming August 2020 the perfect coffee table book to tell your friends that you're a douche. We're not saying we don't want the book. We'd love to learn about the design of books that make them look so, fetching. Not the history of books or how they're made... just the prettiest looking books. If you leave this out for friends, you're an A$$-hole.

Synder Cut of Justice League could cost more than $30 million. Nothing is on paper, but that sounds so incredibly stupid if it's true. WB's could make one really good movie with that budget or fund multiple small indie productions and feel up their streaming service with tons of new content. Yeah, so instead it's probably just gonna go to the dumpster fire that is the Synder Cut.