Wednesday, March 25, 2020

You'd Be Loco To Pass Up LACO March 28 & 29

Will our jokes get better when we write titles? No. But, they will inform you of things you can Stream. So, stream LACO AT HOME. What's that you say? The Los Angeles Chamber Orchestra (LACO) is streaming some free concerts and it's starting this Saturday and Sunday. So, sit back, relax and listen to some da*n fine classic music.

March 28 + 29

[Broadcast Premiere] LACO at Home

Stravinsky, Prokofiev + Mazzoli

A LACO AT HOME broadcast featuring music by Stravinsky and Prokofiev alongside works by Ravel and Missy Mazzoli.
Saturday, March 28 AT 8 P.M.: Stravinsky, Prokofiev + Mazzoli
Sunday, March 29 AT 7 P.M.: Stravinsky, Prokofiev + Mazzoli

All broadcasts can be live-streamed at and streamed on-demand at