Tuesday, July 9, 2019

AX Dad or Con Dad, Just Call Me, I Worry About You: Anime Expo 2019 Field Trip Part 2

 Sometimes you need to talk to your kids, be firm and smoke, so they know your serious.

Con Dad/ AX Dad recap. I'm going over the AX Field Trip, with the photos I took with my phone when it stopped going to music.

 By Day 2 I felt like I need to be reincarnated I was so tired. But you know the saying, "No rest for the Dad."

Dads want hugs

 Dads get hungry too, y'know, but always feed the kids first.

 Breakfast and bowling, my two favorite things...except for my kids.

 Now kids, don't play with Daddy's sword or shield

Met another Dad. I don't think I like him very much he didn't even know where his son was.

 Both these gals should have fanny packs, they really help you carry stuff

This kid looked a little lost.

I head a ninja fart when we did this, it's silent but deadly

Ahhh a robot man!

Cats make me sneeze

That's all I took of the trip..until the photos from my disposable camera come back.