Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Anime Expo 2019: Artist Alley & Gaming

Artist Alley was a pleasure to walk through once again...if you could get through. It may be time to give Kentia Hall fully over to Artist Alley, there's just too many people cramped in there. It'd just be nicer and easier to walk around if everything was so close together. We're like a poor family down there, just trying to get by. Screw, the limited area needed for signings, go do that at the hotel or somewhere else. I'm not sure what else was down there, but put it in the main hall or entertainment hall.

Here's some of the items in Artist that caught our eye.

Tyson Hesse had some great Sonic stuff, but his wife, the artist Kinuko wasn't allowed to sell her sketchbook, like she has for many years, because AX felt this time it was too naughty with boobs. Yet, next to their booth was this boob booth. I mean look at those knockers below. Have some perspective AX.

 and more boobs

 Some great merch for the game Catherine we spotted from Sanshee.

Arc System Works had a small booth, but with plenty of demo stations. They had demos for both River City Girls and Kill la Kill IF, which our both games we wish were out now. People playing River City Girls were commenting on the great writing that fits a total anime vibe as they put it. We'll have more info on these games in later posts.
 AX art gallery had some great homage pieces with Pop Team Epic in them. The first one on the left is based on Pablo Picaso, then Frida Kahlo and then Andy Warhol.

And Round 1 was in the Entertainment Hall, sort of being a jerk charging $5 to try out their games. The Japanese based arcade/bowling/ karaoke rooms will be in the LA area in the Burbank Mall some time this year, no official date.