Monday, July 29, 2019

Alamo Drafthouse LA Discrepancies

We've yet to visit the Alamo Drafthouse in downtown LA. It still hasn't had it's Grand Opening or announced a date for it, let's hope they somehow present a real unicorn or just super glue a horn to Seth Rogen's head.

While looking over social media for Drafthouse we've found some discrepancies to be aware of.

1. The main way to get to the Metro closes when the Bloc's Shopping hours are over.

One of the best benefits is the ease of riding the Metro to and from the Drafthouse with 7th Street Station having an entrance with The Bloc.  From what we can find it closes at midnight, so if you're seeing a late movie, be prepared, you might have to walk out of The Bloc to get back on the Metro.

2. DTLA Fee
Alamo Drafthouse $1.49 "DTLA FEE" from r/LosAngeles
There's an extra fee for ordering food, it's 3%. It goes to back-house staff. So, if you see an extra charge when you grab a burger, now you know.

We're not use to that out here. And, you can just ask your server to remove the charge, so it's not enforced.

3. All Gender Bathroom

As we've written before the place has an all gender bathroom. Stalls for privacy in the toilets and separate room inside for the urinals.

Talking with friends of the site on the subject none had objections. Yet, all of the TTDILA crew find it annoying and sort of think of it as a cheap out for businesses to just have to build and maintain less restrooms.

And in our opinion we like to separate when using restrooms.