Friday, April 5, 2019

Snack Weekend: SK Donuts & Witch's Chicken

If hungry for something tasty this weekend, why not try SK Donuts or Witch's Chicken?

SK Donuts is one of the many fabled, "Oh, you have to try this donut shop" places in LA. We rather do have a lot. And it's not to be mixed up with the similar sounding DK's Donuts near Santa Monica Beach. It has a special selection that beats Dunkin and Winchell's on taste and taking pictures with your phone.

Donuts of all sorts of delicious flavors fill SK Donuts. Crazy concoctions of Oreo and Reese's line the shelves. They have something called Skronuts, which is a play on Cronuts that also look quite tasty. We wouldn't know where to start on telling you what to get as everything look so good. We suggest just getting one for your self and then sharing another among friends.

SK Donuts
5850 W 3rd St
Los Angeles, CA 90036 

*small parking lot, we suggest street park 

Well, Witch's Chicken is really just a pick because of the mascot and name. It's such an anime looking place it should be in one. We haven't ventured their ourselves yet, but the reviews have been quite good as a place to grab some fried chicken in K-Town.

We want to try the fried chicken, but were hoping they have some t-shirts, buttons and hats featuring their witch girl and her pet chicken too.

Witch's Chicken
Inside Koreatown Galleria
3250 W Olympic Blvd
Ste 105
Los Angeles, CA 90006