Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Hollywood Dream Machines: Vehicles of Science Fiction and Fantasy May 4

Just in time for Star Wars Day, May the Fourth be with you, comes a special car exhibit for the Petersen. And though there won't be any X-Wings there will be the Batmobile, Batpod and a time traveling DeLorean to name a few. They'll be shown as part of the new Hollywood Dream Machines: Vehicles of Science Fiction and Fantasy exhibit. The new exhibit is going to showcase a number of vehicles from your favorite movies as well as props and design drawings.

From the press release:

"Series represented in the display will span the niches of speculative fiction with emphasis on dystopian future films such as “Back to the Future”, “Blade Runner,” “Ghost in the Shell,” “Transformers” and “I, Robot”.

Key vehicles on display will include the Warthog from “Halo,” the 2035 Audi RSQ from “I Robot,” the time machine from “Back to the Future”, the Weyland Industries RT01 Group Transport from “Prometheus,” the 2008 Audi R8 from “Iron Man,” Bumblebee from the “Transformers” series, the GM Ultralight from “Demolition Man,” Batmobiles, and more. 

The exhibit will also feature a Microsoft HoloLens experience called “Worlds Reimagined.” The mixed reality experience will provide guests the opportunity to try this immersive technology, and see the Warthog from “Halo” and the “Back to the Future” time machine in a whole new way."

Exhibition Opening:
Saturday, May 4, 7:00 PM 10:00 PM
Petersen Automotive Museum
6060 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA, 90036
*Special preview and open night prices
*regular admission when exhibit open to general public. 

Now, there's going to be some cool preview events that you might want to pay a premium for to see before anyone else. Check out the events here.