Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Made in Abyss: Journey's Dawn Premiere

 By Jonathan B

We got to check out the Made In Abyss Journey's Dawn Premiere, last Friday night, at LA Live's Regal Cinemas. We went deeper and deeper into the friendship of a little boy robot and a girl who doesn't give up. Some of the staff of the film answered questions after the screening.

The films is about a young girl named Riko and her friend Reg, who happens to be a robot than can shoot a powerful laser out his hand and extend his arms about 40 meters that found and protected her in the Abyss. Now, the Abyss is a strange giant hole in the ground that's like traveling to alien worlds the deeper you go in it. There's weird creatures and "people" the deeper you go down. And of course Riko wants to head all the way down to meet her Mom, whose missing.

The anime really builds a strange world and society all around the abyss. And our two little kids who, because it's anime, are allowed to travel down a fairly horrible hole unsupervised. Though, I will say almost everyone tells them that there plan to go deeper is incredibly dangerous and stupid. And it's anime, so they're going.

I'm a fan of the series and have watched the entire show so far. The film combines eight episodes of the anime's first season together. The combining of episodes of an anime to make a movie might not be normal to us here, but it's common place over in Japan. Though a little out of place with modern streaming services, it was mostly done for those who missed the original series and didn't have VCR's. That's the real reason that such anime "films" exist. And the movie changes the way I saw the show.

I got taken in by the relentless and arduous journey week after week and the beautiful shots of traveling into the Abyss with Riko and Reg, while watching the anime. This time around it was a lot more heavy on their relationship. Riko wants to head down that awful well with all the gumption and vigor she can and Reg just wants to protect her. You really get more sense about their feelings and fears and you can see that in the back of her head Riko realizes it's not a great ideas, but something is driving her back down. And it's only the beginning of said mysteries of the Abyss.

Presented in partnership with Fathom Events, tickets for MADE IN ABYSS: Journey’s Dawn are available at participating box offices all over the country and online at www.MadeInAbyssMovies.com and www.FathomEvents.com.
·         3/20 - Subtitled screenings
·         3/25 - English dub screenings

Kevin Penkin, Masayuki Kojima, Shimpei Yamashita, and Hiromitsu Iijima