Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Anime Expo 2018: We Finally Have Big Screens To Tell When Godzilla is Attacking & Subpar Rooftop Garden

Those attending AX this year might have noticed a big change, some big screens across from the convention center. We remember just a year ago when it was a poorly guarded parking structure being built. Now, it's a building that while we attended kept trying to sell Nikes on a never-ending loop.

Sure, it could have been promoting Anime Expo or Japanese culture or even doing a bit like Godzilla is attacking downtown LA for Anime Expo. Instead it just kept telling us about shoes. What a waste of technology. I get it's an ad banner, but it can also show off news and warn people about danger or be informative. Those are all the thing it wasn't.

At least movies set in LA can use it as though it's used for the news. Because there are no shops with televisions in the windows, those aren't real places.

In sort of another let down was finally seeing the LA Convention Center's Rooftop Garden, which an average person at AX would not have been allowed at as it was in the Press & Industry section, cut-off from regular badges. It might have been nice for the cosplayers...until you really look at how boring a garden it is. This is more of a rant on how bad the Convention Center is and must have tried to get some sort of LEED status. LEED is used to rate "green buildings, y'know stuff that's suppose to be good for the environment. Tax write-off.

The garden looked sad up close through the window I peered through. I'm not sure if I would really call it a garden or more of a roof that has some plants.

Here's the LA Convention Center spouting how nice it is. Innovative Rooftop Garden Debuts at Los Angeles Convention Center.

Some of what the article says seems like a downright lie as how little space this "garden" takes up.

"This garden will not only contribute to the green efforts of Downtown Los Angeles, but will also provide produce for LACC's in-house caterer Levy Restaurants. Currently 90 percent of produce at the LACC is locally sourced; Levy plans to build on this by utilizing oregano, chili peppers, citrus, lettuce and carrots grown in the garden and use them regularly in their recipes to showcase the originality of the convention center."

I don't think the garden could feed more than a few people with any of what was supposedly growing there in one sitting. And who would those meals be for? I guess some random group renting a part of the Convention Center would get to try the vegetables and spices one day... and only one day, that garden is tiny.

Also, what produce is 90% locally sourced? The lettuce and tomatoes on the awful burgers made in the convention center? The potatoes? I'd love for AEG, that runs the convention center, to prove that they are 90% locally sourcing their produce. I want cold hard evidence.