Thursday, May 24, 2018

E3 To Do: EA Play 2018, Devolver Digital, E3 Party Guide

-If you want to you can sign up for EA Play 2018 and try out some of the new stuff from EA between June 9-11 at the Hollywood Palladium.

-Devolver Digital will be having another E3 press conference, we can't wait for the blood and 80's horror movie references. We think we've been seeing some of the stuff planned via the director's account on Twitter and it looks like it'll be another weird year for Devolver Digital.

Devolver Digital E3 Press Conference 2018
Sunday, June 10 @ 8PM Pacific
Streamed on Twitch already has there list up of events and parties for E3, we think of it as the best guide for E3 in LA.