Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Nintendo Labo Looks Like Fun

Coming out April 20th is Nintendo's stepping into playing with cardboard and rubber bands and it looks sweet. For anyone who has ever liked LEGOs, Nintendo has created some amazing new features for the Switch with its new Nintendo Labo line that has you building just like you did with those plastic pieces as a kid.

You can expect gamers to get creative when the mod their creations from the Toy-Con 1 Variety Kit and having a lot of transforming fun with Toy-Con 2 Robot Kit. Both seem a bit high-priced at $69.99 at $79.99 when all that's being used is cardboard and other arts and craft items.
What the game already opens is a door for a mod market, I'm guessing will see some third party cardboard extras after people start getting their hands on these titles when they come out.

We also love the line has an textbook look to the cartridges cases you can get. From the numbering it looks like more games will be made down the line.