Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Galco's Soda Pop Stop: Soda Paradise

We thought we should start the new year right by adding a splash of carbonated goodness. We've written about it multiple times, but don't want you to forget that you can still enjoy the great taste of

Galco's Soda Pop Stop
5702 York Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90042

Sun 9am-4pm

This hidden soda store has a wide selection of special hard to find sodas with strange flavors. Some come from far off countries, others come from this state, but you'll probably find them almost no where else. We love the aisles and aisles of specialty drinks, like someone bottled a rainbow of tastiness. So, if you've never been we're reminding you about one of LA's hidden gems.

We always look to we what's new, what strange new flavor may have arrived from another country or get a classic fruity Nesbitt's soda to enjoy on a warm day.