Monday, November 13, 2017

DesignerCon 2017: Bigger Than Ever

When did we start having a line at DCon? Designer Con, the vinyl toy and art convention in Pasadena has expanded in booths and attendance. A line outside the Pasadena Convention Center was filled with fans to see the latest art and pieces from various artists venturing off Etsy and DeviantArt to maybe get their own site or one day a lucrative deal with Target or an ad campaign. Mostly, it was fans getting to check out some indie art from a spectrum of different medias and purchase said art as T-shirts, pins, figures and  just plain ol' art to hang up or put on your desk.

As someone whose been going since the first DCon, it's amazing to see how much it's grown over the years. Filled with the brim of fans of all ages looking for something special. Something they might want to hang up or make a center piece on a table or at least put in their book shelf.

It was actually hard to move around this year, the aisles filled with so many fans. We really can't remember it ever being that big a convention. Many of the stuff being sold is niche, but I guess most of LA is niche.

We're gonna take you through some of our favorite spots this DCon and then share the annual photo gallery of all that was there.

 A lovely poster about dinosaurs that glows in the dark, showing their  bonesfrom Genuine Haha grabbed us up front.

I Heart Guts got us with their lovely and gross collection of human organ plushies. They've got to have a build-a-person one year for fun.

We started to see a few cosplayers this year and we're all for it. Keep it up cosplayers, keep it up.
 Big companies to vinyl toys like Kidrobot were there showing off their latest.
We couldn't just pass up this meat cleaver-wielding butcher.
Ben Chu from our own the World 8 Art Show had his first booth ever at the show. Some great tiger tape dispensers were on sale.
 We really like the playful design of the Bulma Ball Gag and other work from David Baker Design.
Once again, DCon had the PowerCore Quest. By downloading an app and by visiting certain booths you would collect icons via scanning them with your phone that would let you get special stickers. If you collected enough you would be entered into a raffle for some fun prizes.
Steve Minty has great looking playing cards and the Legend of Zelda bottle opener keychains, but as he wished we didn't show them or even the artist himself.

DCon remains a highlight of LA's year. Two days to check out and buy some very nice gifts for yourself or...I guess others. So many other artists and booths to go over. We'll share more in the photo galley coming post haste.