Thursday, October 12, 2017

X-Men 92 Anniversary Celebration Oct 20-21

The Perky Nerd is celebrating one of the best cartoon series of the 90's, X-Men The Animated Series. Before Disney killed off the franchise in the comics they were the premiere team of super heroes at the time. Now we have two days and special guests to look forward to. It's the 25th anniversary of the show, let's celebrate, my X-Men Fan!

The X-traordinary Fan Art Show
Friday, October 20 at 8 PM - 10 PM
The Perky Nerd
1606 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, California 91506

It's the 25th anniversary of X-Men The Animated Series. We will have special guests Julia and Eric Lewald from TAS with us on the 21st, so we thought it only appropriate to do an X-TRAORDINARY show for them to sit in for the Q&A. Come Friday night for the opening of an X-tra special weekend.

X-Men 92 TAS Anniversary Celebration
Saturday, October 21 at 1 PM - 3 PM
The Perky Nerd
1606 W. Magnolia Blvd., Burbank, California 91506
Come celebrate the 25th anniversary of X-Men: The Animated Series on Saturday October 21 with some folks who were there from the very beginning. Producer/Director LARRY HOUSTON, writers ROBERT SKIR and JULIA LEWALD and Showrunner/Head Writer/’Developed for Television by’ ERIC LEWALD will look back on the beginnings of X-MEN:TAS, the many obstacles it faced, its ultimate success and its impact on an entire generation. Eric will also discuss his brand-new book about the show called “PREVIOUSLY ON X-MEN: The Making of an Animated Series” to be released in early November.

Cosplay is definitely encouraged. Let's make it X-traordinary!