Monday, October 2, 2017

Takashi Miike In Town For Blade of the Immortal Nov 3

Blade of the Immortal Special Screening
Director Takashi Miike
Friday, November 3
8:00pm show w/Q&A
Nuart Theatre

It's not for a month, but this November we get the super prolific director Takashi Miike in town for a special screening of Blade of the Immortal, based on a well-known manga of a cursed samurai who can't die. There will be oceans of blood in this one. I'm not doubting tickets will go fast as Miike usually doesn't make it out here in LA for a Q&A. He's really an odd duck as he's made so many films that it's hard to even rate him as so many films come out, some showing his best and worst sides. I will say, in any case, it's fun to see what he comes up with.

The film itself looks like a vampire's dream with gallons of blood going on the big screen. A tale of revenge and a man who can literally pull himself back together.

I hope Dark Horse still owns the manga rights here in the US for some sales.