Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Indiecade 2017: IndieCat More Like It

How much do IndieCade developers love cats? A whole lot as they seemed to be the featured animal of choice at multiple games this year. The most obvious indicator of feline fraternizing was the huge game of Exploding Kittens outside. Literally, it was a huge game where at least two people were needed to move one card. The game has you avoiding exploding kittens with the strangest of reasons.

If a giant card game wasn't enough? How about a giant litter box? Yeah, Exploding Kittens wanted a lot of attention. You could rummage through the litter box for strange prizes like plungers.

What might have grabbed the most attention for cats, could be Cat Sorter VR. You have to sort out these cats. Some of them are pretty ugly and messed up. Either remove extra eyes or give it an anus to let your cat be on par with what we think of as a model cat. A truly silly game made for VR. It won IndieCade's Aesthetic Award this year.

We have 4-player Starcats, where you and up three friends can try and fix your spaceship and get off of the planet you're stuck on or just not help each other. You are cats and that's a point of the game, you can help or say, "Hey, no I'm good, you do you." Or y'know you can murder each other too.

On a cuter scale with some grim behind it, is OneShot. You're playing as a cat child trying to screw in a light-bulb that may also be a world's sun. It's a top/down puzzle game we could see playing on our 3DS.

For a musical interlude we have Cardamom, where you play a cat trying to help solve people's problem through song. It's a interactive musical game of some note.

Anthropomorphic cats anyone? How about a game of Hacktag. Two humanoid cats need your help as you team up with a friend to both solve missions of mystery. One of you plays the hacker, the other is in the field. It's a 2-player co-op came featuring cats.

Let's look beyond what we normally know with Psychic. A game where you play a psychic detective with a talking cat sidekick name Devo. It's another adventure where a cat is stealing the show.
So as you can see, we had a lot of cat-centric games this year at IndieCade or should we say IndieCat. Maybe cat games need to have their own award or section next year it at IndieCade.