Gaming related

June 10, 16, 17 and 23
Complex Theatres
6472 Santa Monica Blvd
6472 Santa Monica Blvd
Making fun of The Hunger Games with video games, sounds like an easy idea to do. An it has a dose of audience participation.
"The tributes participating in the Battle to the Death have been substituted for video game characters from all the popular video game franchises. Princess Zelda, Queen of The Console, is celebrating the 64th Annual Video Games and needs the audience’s assistance (through social media) to ensure that this year’s Games are bigger, badder, and bloodier than the year before! By voting for their favorite characters, the audience will to alter the course of events throughout the performance. It’s a different show every night as iconic pixelated heroes and villains, such as Donkey Kong, Lara Croft, the Master Chief, and more, compete to win the coveted title of Player One."

June 11, 15, 17, 18
520 N. Western Ave
Oh, boy. This one just looks like pure garbage. This looks like a an angst-filled tale of gaming.
We can find a description, but from the photos it looks like being a gamer isn't fun.
Horror Musicals
Slashed! The Musical
June 11, 12,14, 15, 18, 19, 23
Complex Theatres
6468 Santa Monica Blvd
This is a throwback to all the 80's horror movies you've loved set at summer camp.

June 11,16, 24
520 N. Western Ave
"In an instant of survival, one woman will be transformed by it, split into two pieces—and the battle for control of her body, mind and soul will begin. Vengeance, violence and victimization will all become fuel for a battle of epic proportions. No one is safe from the slaughter to come."
Fan Musical
Comic-Con The Musical
June 11, 18, 22
Sacred Fools Theater
6320 Santa Monica Blvd.
6320 Santa Monica Blvd.
"With its celebration of fandoms, diversity, and nerds of all kinds, Comic-Con the Musical runs on both laughs and heart. With the help of a Dungeon Master narrator, the audience is taken on a journey of what it’s like to be at a Con, from the cosplayers to the signings to the long lines to the feeling that anything could happen. And at this Con, it does. A celebrity movie mogul announces a life-changing contest, a TV show creator seduces a superfan to steal her ideas, and an actual alien tries to take over the world. Ultimately, everyone learns to be proud of who they really are and embrace their inner superpower."