Wednesday, November 16, 2016

The Cannibal: Hungry For Human Flesh? It's Not Here

A silly, quirky name for another fine restaurant that's part butcher, part upscale restaurant. The Cannibal wants to gobble you up, your business that is. This newish restaurant is another place for those hungry in Culver City.

The Cannibal
8850 Washington Blvd
Culver City, CA 90232

Don't try finding it by its name, like other "edgy" places to grab a bite it decided not to put the name on the outside of it. Why? Because that's idiotic style we have now.

What's not idiotic is a butcher to grab a quick bite from and sit down restaurant for a big meal all in one. In a rush, I checked out the butcher side, which really serves fine meats and is another place known for it's cold fried chicken sandwich. I had the sandwich and was in Cannibal heaven, though not the real one, because you're probably not going to heaven for eating people.

The other big draw than getting some good meat or a meal is the wide selection of beer. I've only been recently impressed by the selection of Otium next to The Broad with a g-damn ladder for its selection. This one doesn't have a ladder, but I still saw microbrews I've never heard of and too many to name.

If you're in Culver City for work or play try it out, butcher or restaurant you'll find something you'll want...instead of people.

*There is no place to our knowledge that simulates the taste of people.