Monday, November 21, 2016

Quest Keys - The Adventurer's Bottle Opener!

From Dcon 2016, Steve Minty has done it again. The annual vinyl toy and art show had a very special item to unlock. Dressed as Mario-he should have been cosplaying as Link-he showed off his metal key bottle openers. They only bare a strong resemblance to the keys you find in the Legend of Zelda games. They're on Kickstarter now, and though we don't like the starter so much, we have to trust Minty who has finished successful starters before. Check it out here, it reached its goal already, but has 25 days to go as of writing this; 11/21. The bottle openers start at $18.

As I was talking to Steve about them, the find folks of Dcon were depressed that they couldn't buy them there in person. You could hear, "So cool," from all around his booth.

"For me, it's always been practicality mixed with flashiness, it also brings up my childhood, gaming was a big part of my childhood. So I thought, why not?," Steve told me when I asked about the openers. "It's a great design and it's never been done before," he added.

Before making them he referenced them and made 3d models to make sure they would work. There were real metal models at DesignerCon and they were solid, strong pieces for anyone wanting to crack open a cold one, soda for the kids.

Check out the different models below

*Andrew, TTDILA staff,  I'm getting type b, you can't get it.