Friday, October 21, 2016

IndieCade 2016: Part 3 PlayStation

PlayStation satiated a craving for multiple indie titles that we'll all be seeing on the console one day. While, I'll wait for Night in the Woods and GNOG-with still no confirmed release dates-I look forward to a number of other titles that we'll be going over.

First, let's just get it over with and talk about GNOG and Night in the Woods. Night in the Woods, this game I've played so much at cons and events that I'm afraid I'll beat the game one day at one before it gets released. It got Kickstarted in 2013 and hopefully we'll see it early next year. An adventure game about a college drop-out with anthropomorphic animals chilling and dealing with their town. It's fun to just watch the slow burning slowly and connect to this story.

GNOG, the puzzle game about heads is now in VR!!!!! I really don't care!!!!!! As that means it'll take longer to come out to make sure it works on Sony's new headset. The game wasn't designed for it, but it plays fine on it. If you want to solve puzzles and have your head in-cased outside of reality go ahead. So many meta and bad jokes in that last statement.

What's not bad was trying three new heads. Each with they're own intricate puzzles to figure out. It was like eating a fine meal for your brain. The feeling of figuring it out the ending result of a head opening up.

I love this game so much I had to correct one of the people showing it that the game has no release date yet.

It was one of four titles PlayStation shared in PSVR.

The rest of the gaming floor had many new games to try...except Chasm. Damn, Chasm hasn't come out yet?


Yes, the wonderful looking Metroidvania game is still not out yet, no release date either. The game has the Spelunky factor going for it as the worlds, six in all, come about new, they're procedurally-generated, and do we need to come up with a better word for that, like, random dunge. Anyway still looking fine, it was looking fine a year ago at IndieCade.

100ft Robot Golf

Playing the game, perhaps not in VR wasn't as fun as I believed it to be, I became much more enthralled by the look and style of the characters that riff anime like a team of Cowyboy Bebop like corgis that have a Voltron like robot. If giant robots are on a screen they need to be kicking butt, not putt. I would, however, watch others play as the look for this game is just pure candy. It's like a Capcom game, great look, but sometimes I don't want to play it.


Couldn't get my head around this one. You could be a gazelle to a universe trying to gather thoughts. It looks funny to watch others  play as animals don't run as much as the look like they're clipping through their animations. From the mind of David O'Reilly, the guy who gave us the fully CGI episode of Adventure Time.


What's with shovels, not sure if it was inspired by Shovel Knight or just a coincidence, in either case I need a Shovel Knight cameo in this game.  Another beautiful looking Metroidvania game to get goose pimples over. When I played it all I had was shovel to fight monsters.


Maybe I just needed to have most of my body be a gun. A 2d shooter where you take on big bosses and a bevy of bullets in a robot ship hybrid. For those who want some old-school new-school style of shooter.

Viking Squad

A very beloved by the masses local co-op fighter in a viking theme. Oddly, only up to three players, but worth it if you have an odd number of friends into Norse mythology.

 Cosmic Star Heroine 

From the people who made the Penny Arcade RPG's comes their own sci-fi RPG title. It seems rather basic and just might have done better with some jokes or a fun theme, in looks like any generic RPG from the 80's early 90's.

Those were just some of the many fine titles I want to put on my PS4 and play...sigh, whenever they come out.