Friday, August 26, 2016

IndieCade Moves To USC This October

IndieCade makes the move this year to the USC campus, marking and end to multiple years of being hosted in downtown Culver City. The independent game festival has called the city home since 2009. The main reason, the empty lot where most of IndieCade is usually held will be breaking ground this October for a new modern shopping center. A recent FAQ was released explaining the move with details on the move.

The Cinematic Arts Complex on USC campus becomes the new home for independent gamers and developers. " the sound stages, gallery areas, lobbies, breezeways, patios, and the outdoor grassy area," the FAQ says.

“It is the quintessential indie thing to do  -  come and crash on our couch,  - we help one another out,” USC IMD Chair, Tracy Fullerton told IndieCade. IndieCade hasn't stated that the move is permanent and is in talks with the City of LA and Culver City, but for now, due to a good relationship with USC  this October they'll be allowed to crash at the school.

So forget the firehouse and the tents outside and be ready to enjoy a college campus. Luckily, the Rams or the Trojans aren't schedule to play the weekend of IndieCade.

IndieCade 2016 is happening
October 14-16, 2016
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California
Get early bird tickets still for a better price
Parking will probably be $14 to $20, get ticks