Friday, October 9, 2015

Halloween 2015 Update: All-Night Horror Show! @ New Bev, Fatal Frame 5

-Cutting it close and leaving me asking if the American Cinematheque will have one the New Bev will have an All-Night Horror Show! again this year. Six films that will go unannounced until shown. In between they'll have shorts and other trailers having you go all night long.

Tickets go up Oct 11 for $20.

From their site:
Six Film Marathon! Join us for a New Beverly tradition, the annual "All-Night Horror Show" featuring six rare feature films along with an incredible assortment of trailers, cartoons and shorts for a 12-hour marathon of the most mind blowing horror ever released on film! All titles will remain secret until they unspool on screen to surprise, shock and amaze our audience. Will you make it until the end when the survivors exit into the daylight?

All-Night Horror Show!
October 30, 7:30pm
New Beverly Cinema
7165 Beverly Boulevard
Los Angeles, CA 90036


Fatal Frame: Maiden of Black Water Out Oct 22

You'll be able to use the Wii U Game Pad for third party game for a real reason, taking pictures of ghosts. Ghosts hate getting their pictures taken, it's a known fact. So take as many pictures as you can of those ectoplasm composed losers.

In a still perplexing, no understanding of the American market, Bandai move, Koei Tecmo will digitally release with no physical copy on  the Wii U. It's “free-to-start” with a trial option in which you download  the prologue and the first two chapters of the game for free. After that it will cost $49.99.

The whole point of selling the game digitally only should make it cheaper or add some fun free DLC.