Tuesday, July 7, 2015

The Worst of Anime Expo 2015

Your simply the worst, much more sub-par than all the rest, your simply the worst, oow! Here's some of the issues we had with AX, if you had more including TTDILA interviewing you, please add a comment.


 Though we lost the photo of the Las Vegas booth, what a crying shame, here's simply the worst booths that had no business being at AX. You really have to question why they were allowed in when they had nothing to do with Japanese culture or fandom.

Hey Microfiber booth, what the hell are you doing at Anime Expo? That goes the same for the two massage parlors and T-Mobile. The Assil Eye Institute? Are you kidding me? Do you even have anime eyes for sale?

 It's magical, jewelry, but it's not Sailor Moon.
Video Issues

Some major hiccups all over on showings. The LA Convention Center needs to stop using Sony Blu-ray players. Jo-Jo's Bizarre Adventure, Little Witch Academia 2 and other panels all fell victim to video errors stopping them from playing completed works.

The Food

As no surprise, the food around and in the LA Convention Center is the cheapest garbage, thought it costs way too much ever to be called cheap. Nothing was worth the price paid for and the food trucks, cafeteria and LA Live choices were all bad.

I saw the AX volunteers eating, pizza, and it sure as Hell wasn't from the nearby Live Pizza Basil, which at one point ran out of Basil during AX.