Monday, June 15, 2015

PlayStation E3 2015 Press Conference Was The 2016 Press Conference

PlayStation shared some things to get us all hooked for titles coming out in 2016. Many games showcased at last E3 at the conference did not make an appearance, much to many fans chagrin. Outside before the festivities even started the announcer called out, "We're going to have a great G3!" Not even 3G, which would have been funnier, she did not seem to comprehend English that well.

Sony does or somewhat does, it sure doesn't understand time. I don't know why it wasted mine and yours with a clip show of games that will playable a second time. One was enough, why we saw mere moments of games instead of play videos or commentary is quite questionable to the makers of the show.

The details of many games, other than 2016 dates, left many scratching their heads as why titles were announced so early, hype can last only so long.

Here's a break down of the event and games announced.

The Last Guardian announced from 2016
-This game looks beautiful, the dog monster creature does not, he loos like a very horrible chimera, but a good friend.

Horizon: Zero Down
Guerrilla showed an amazing new ip of a world where mecha-dinosaurs, mecha-deer, and mecha-giraffes took over the Earth and mankind has come back to being Indians that hunt them for green liquid.

Agent 47 is back and you're taking on high class targets across the globe

No Man's Sky
We saw more playtime with it. This time we saw the universe pulled back from one solar system, the game looks incredibly big. We learned worlds are destructible as a players starting shooting up a newly found randome planet he called "E3". It looks like fights might need to be tweaked a little bit to be more fun as their was hardly any resistance to attacks from mechanized foes.
A release date was promised soon

Media Molecule has created a great stop motion animator. The creating a dream aspect seemed far-fetched at best we'll see some great Gary Mod videos via PS4 in the future that look like they belong on MTV from the 80's and early 90's.

Firewatch: Campo Santo
This first-person game seemed to have the most story. You're in the wilderness and your only communication to the outside is from a woman many miles away from you with strange mystery abound.

Destiny: The Taken King
Destiny has a new story-arc with an evil King out for revenge because you killed his son

Assassin Creed Sydincate
Fight as a British women in Victorian England, the 1800's. The PS4 gets some exclusive levels, "Dreadful Crimes" based on Sherlock Holmes stories.

World of Final Fantasy
Play Final Fantasy in chibi form and stack your favorite characters on top of you or on top of them to take down bad guys.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Announced, no date, it got the second most applause that night

Shenmue 3 Annouced
This sequel might be made and finally leaves fans feeling resolved with cliffhangers from the last title. This is a fan favorite harking back to when Sega made consoles.

Project Morpheus
 Was all over the place with no significant dates announced.

PlayStation Vue
This television viewing service is not nation wide, but LA does get it. Forget cable, it's the first service that let's you pick and choose the channels you want to pay for. Sony might make a killing with this and sink some cable giants in the future.

Call of Duty: Black Ops III
If you wanna have super powers and be a soldier in the future be my guest. PS users can play the Beta in August.

Then a clip show happened again

Stars Wars BattleFront
If anything the game looks amazing. Graphically you may have never seen a better Star Wars game.

Uncharted 4: A Thief's End
The greatest applause of the night was earned for Naughty Dog's Uncharted 4. Every minute of real gameplay felt like you were starring in an action film with a chase and shootout worthy of your hard earned dime. It had a minor hiccup with not starting the first time, fans couldn't have cared less at the conference.

Yoshinori Ono and me