Friday, May 29, 2015

Splatoon Stats

Drew Wise Design
 These are the the stats Nintendo gave me on Splatoon. Another tip
*If you doing well in battle and have earned a lot of flags or have a rating of Hawt! Talk to the cat, he'll give you some serious coin.
  New stages released every few weeks
·         New weapons
·         New Ranked Battle mode: Tower Control
·         Themed events called Splatfests where players must choose and represent their side during online battles. Prepare for the first Splatfest, taking place on June 20
·         Major game update event in August, which will add:
o   Functionality for four players to form a team and battle against other teams
o   Functionality to create private eight-player matches with just friends
o   New Ranked Battle mode: Rainmaker
o   New Gear (items)