Saturday, May 2, 2015

Japan's Prime Minister Visiting LA, Welcome

Did you know the Japanese Prime Minster Shinzo Abe was in LA Friday and continues his visit this Saturday? As long time fans of Japanese culture at TTDILA we welcome the Prime Minister and his wife to LA. We have to apologize on behalf of our city for the small group of protesters that greeted the Prime Minster as he got off his flight. Their out of focus protest was over WWII issues, such as comfort women, which is a nice word for forced sex women. They were completely out of place and time bringing up these issues on a visit that can only strengthen LA's connection to one of America's strongest partners.

 In rather exciting news Abe confirmed the opening of one of only three in the world "Japan House." A "Japan House" will be an outlet in a foreign country showing off the latest in Japanese technology and both it's new and old culture. We'll be sure to follow the development of this new connection to Japan in future posts on the site.

Another issue that was circling around California collective consciousness was train service from San Fran to LA and other locations. Abe visited with Gov. Jerry Brown and showed off a simulation of the country's well known bullet train.

We wish Abe and Japanese officials could to talk to city leaders and management over infrastructure, something Japan passes us at. With huge problems over transportation, roads especially, and power management it would be great to have a dialogue with Japan to see how we could improve the city's infrastructure through their know how.

We love the story of how LA sent some of our SWAT and specially trained cops to Japan after the terrible Fukushima Nuclear disaster to help search and rescue efforts. We continued that bond as Abe visited Little Tokyo, visiting the Go For Broke Monument and the Japanese National American Museum.

Abe and Japan I hope you do enjoy your visit, please check the site for anything you might want to do. You're always welcome to visit LA!
