Thursday, January 15, 2015

Star Wars Celebration: Why Should I Care?

Craig Drake Art for the Show
Good question Mark! Scott, you weren't going to ask that, that's why you're not Mark. The Star Wars Celebration will be taking place in one of the non-death related outer layers of LA in Anaheim, never in Pomona, where crime is punished much more harshly as it takes place near Disneyland.

*This will most likely be the start of many Star Wars posts into the new year as the first movie awakens. We will no doubt have events related to Star Wars from art galleries to some special stuff from Disney around LA.

The Star Wars Celebration
April 16-19
Anaheim Convention Center
Child $30 Adult $60
Pass Child $60 Adult $140

Taking place at the Anaheim Convention Center in early April the festival hasn't revealed anything that monumental being at the event. So far it's a very large fan event with some time devoted to Star Wars Rebels, the CGI cartoon that Disney churned out as soon as it got the license.

Why Should I Care?

It's taking place right next to Disneyland, it seems more than likely they'll have at least some of the cast show up from Awakens and show a teaser or something exclusive to fans. Even some special posters would be nice.

-Special merch

Star Wars merch is its own market, there has to be special items that will be at this event and this event alone.

-Fan & Cosplay

Forget Comic-Con, spend four days as your favorite Star Wars character with other massive fans.

We'll have more on the event if anything fun is happening at it, Revenge of the Sith in 3D doesn't count.