If you weren't paying attention the first time. The World Martial Arts Tournament Cosplay Contest and Power Up Contest rules are as follows.

Contestants for the Cosplay Contest will have to be wearing Dragon Ball cosplay. Contestants will be judged on by the crowd in eliminations rounds for best cosplay. Be prepared to show off your cosplay to an audience. Groups may enter, but may be awarded one prize. A full Ginyu Force that has the pose down will automatically win prizes.
Contestants for the Power Up Contest don't need to be in cosplay. As a contestant you'll have to win over the crowd by the loudest, most powerful powering up acting you can do. Shout anything you like, as long as it isn't profanity. Copy any Dragon Ball attack, if you like, and shout it to the heavens. The Grand Kai should be able to hear what you've got going on. The top two Power Players will have to yell as hard as they can for the Goku statue provided by Bandai Namco in a one-on-one match.
The first person in line for the Dragon Ball art show will receive a free game too.