Tuesday, August 26, 2014

LAUSD Continues To Be Awful

The LAUSD school year started off bad with the new My Integrated Student Information System, the new database that schools use for managing their students. It caused widespread problems at schools over LA. The new system placed students in the wrong classes, couldn't take their attendance and caused huge scheduling problems. The problems are so bad still at one LAUSD High School,  Jefferson High School in South LA, that students held a peaceful sit-in on their quad Monday. The students and teachers want their schedules fixed by the end of the week. A want that isn't truly that demanding.

Another major blow on the technical side of the LAUSD is the ending of the contract for iPads for every student in the LAUSD. A program that has been filled with problems such as students using them for non-educational activities and the responsibility to parents if  the device is broken, lost or stolen. The hefty price of one billion for the Ipads was also in question when some schools lack a clear and clean environment to teach in.

Superintendent of the LAUSD, John Deasy, is now under fire for allegedly making underhanded deals with Apple for the iPads when he denied any involvement in the process of selecting who would win a bid at providing tablet devices to students.

Here's an article questioning Deasy's educational merits that are highly suspect.
