Thursday, March 13, 2014

Hollywood Horror Fest practically free at end of the month

Only two screenings will cost anything at the almost free Hollywood Horror Fest March 28-29. This new horror festival is launching on an already horror filled weekend with the Lethal Ladies of Horror Film Festival March 29. It's at the same venue that the Vampire Film Festival and Boobs and Blood Festival played a few times and died off; may they rest in peace. This new horror fest is celebrating the indie horror film genre showing them and sharing how to make them part of a profitable business. The only two events that cost anything are a Return of the Living Dead reunion and Joe Dante and Dick Miller coming in for a The Howling screening; each ten bucks. The rest is free.

Hollywood Horror Fest 
March 28-9
New Bev
7165 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles

More info and updates as they come in.