Sunday, October 6, 2013

Kickstarter LA: Hyper Light Drifter, Indie Statik, Sexie Veggies

Before delving into IndieCade coverage I have to mention

Hyper Light Drifter

This Indie game looks simply stunning, strangely I heard nothing about it from IndieCade, bad to have no presence there and be based in LA, but it all ready reached it's goal.

"Hyper Light Drifter is a 2D Action RPG in the vein of the best 8-bit and 16-bit classics, with modernized mechanics and designs on a much grander scale."

Indie Statik

A group I haven't heard of also based in LA covering indie games, I didn't hear about them at IndieCade either. They better have some great coverage of the event. They already reached their goal and if you act now you can get some great rewards. Gametee is involved.

Sexie Veggies

"A comedic cooking show where pin-up meets vegetables. Learn six real recipes that are real tasty plus some flirt & fun!"
