Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Cinefamily's Most Outrageous Video Games Show Sold Out

For those planning to go last minute to the Cinefamily's Most Outrageous Video Games Show, it's already sold-out. A night of looking back at the worst of the worst in gaming. Please comment here if you already bought tickets!

Here's what's happening at the sold out event.

"Plug in, put on your Power Glove and hold on to your heart capsules, because we’re blowing the dust off the craziest cartridges, most deranged discs and buggiest little-known consoles ever to jiggle your joysticks. Take a nostalgic stroll through an 8-bit wonderland of early gaming breakthroughs and experiments. Thrill to a montage of the outrageous kills that shocked a generation of parents. Cringe at the most uncomfortably “sexy” games this side of the uncanny valley, settle your score with infamous franchise fiascos like Moonwalker, Alf, and E.T., pig out on pixelated FMV failures and HFS cutscenes galore. Just don’t forget to bring your memory cards, because this show promises “extra lives” worth of excited entertainment. Then, after the show, join us in our upstairs gallery for the Island Of Misfit Video Games, where we’ll have a glitchy good time into the wee hours of the night with live consoles dishing out the weirdest of the weird for us to play together — so NintenDON’T miss out! Grab your tickets now, as they’ll be gone faster than you can say “UP UP DOWN DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT A B B A!”

Update: Trailer and live stream

Everything Is Festival: CINEFAMILY'S MOST OUTRAGEOUS VIDEO GAMES (trailer) from Cinefamily on Vimeo.

I'm sad I'm going to miss it, but there will be a live stream here