Monday, August 19, 2013

Adventure Team A WeHo Dodgeball Team Celebrating Adventure Time

Hearing that bonk right into Pikachu's neck. It was a bonk sound seldom heard. You could hear another man go, "Hssss Oooh" with you as the bonk echoed in the crowds ears. It would be one of many bonks out of the night for Adventure Team was battling the Super Smash Dodgers. Two teams. So grand in the WeHo Dodgeball League that a history was there and that night history would be made with the wearing of costumes based on Adventure Time and video games. A battle was had the night and it involved random dancing.

Sure, Luigi and Mario had super jumps to not get hit while Marceline and Lady Raincorn managed to defend themselves as best they could. Even ducking down and taking two balls in the air as some sort of shields did not stop the onslaught of ball for Marceline. The Super Smash Dodger were just too good that night. No matter how many dance parties would break out the night would not be one by the experienced Adventure Team.

 They met more than their match in the Super Smash Dodgers a legacy team  which might not exist with out the 8-Bit Sh*ts now transformed into the Adventure Team based on the ever endearing Adventure Time. In many ways like a hokey movie the team that was once based on video game characters was now facing a team based on video game characters. Who knew such a spectacular match could be seen, a team of Adventure Time vs a team of video game all-stars. In the end the Super Smash Dodgers won. They won a truly sight-seeing event where Yoshi was ridden and many men dressed as women. It only would have been better with sound effects and possible music from the mediums they based their costumes on.
Tree Trunks OMG

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