Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Shonen Jump Energy Drinks Made The Con Delecious

Shonen Jump via Viz had the novel idea of promoting some of it's titles by producing Shonen Jump energy drinks in limited supply outside Comic-Con for just a few hours. These weren't your regular cans you might find in Hot Topic, none of these will be showing up there. They were limited edition bottles and cans of soda featuring Shonen Jump characters. Quincy Quencher featured Ichigo on it, weird I know, but it had a lemony taste. One Piece's Luffy was on the Bink's Brew bottles of root beer soda. Naruto and Blue Exorcist's Rin Okumura were on energy drink cans. There was even a One-Punch Man energy drink. The free drinks for anyone who made it outside to the Viz Truck on Saturday weren't the only surprise, Shonen Jump free t-shirts were handed out as well. Free soda and free t-shirts for those who love anime made for a nice evening near the ocean by the con.

The only regret I have is not seeing the someone dressed as One-Punch Man near the truck, I had apparently just missed him.